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Searchable Database of Names List of Washington Co. Cemeteries with Photos

Search Cemetery / Death Records of Washington County, Oregon

Enter a surname (last name) or part of a surname.
Do NOT include a first name.

If you think a name may have been misspelled you can use % for a wildcard in place of a portion of the name that may have been misspelled
Example 1: Sw%nson would return both Swenson and Swanson
Example 2 Van%Horn would return both VanHorn and Van Horn

If you are looking for a last name with an apostrophe (like O'Riley)
you will need to use a tilda ( ` ) or the wildcard % in place of the apostrophe.
(The tilda is usually found in the top-left part of the keyboard.)

The database used by this page contains about 38,000 records from the following cemeteries located in Washington County, Oregon:
Arcade / Pumpkin Ridge Cemetery
Bethany Presbyterian
Blooming St Peters Lutheran Cemetery
Buxton Community Cemetery
Cooper Mtn. Catholic Cemetery
Cooper Mtn. Cemetery
Cornelius Methodist Cemetery
Emanuel Lutheran Cemetery
Erdman Wunsch Cemetery
Fir Lawn Cemetery
Forest View Cemetery
Gales Creek Cemetery
Hill Cemetery
Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery
Hillside Cemetery
James Robinson Cemetery
Johnson Family - Purden Family Cemetery
Meridian Cemetery
Middleton Cemetery
Mountainside (Scholls) Cemetery
Mt. Olive Baptist Cemetery
Mt. Olive Lutheran Cemetery
Patton Family Cemetery
Oak Grove Family Cemetery
Raffety Family Cemetery
St. Anthony Catholic Cemetery
St. Edward Catholic Cemetery
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Cemetery
St. Paul Lutheran Cemetery
Tigard Evangelical (Pioneer) Cemetery
Tualatin Plains Presby. (Old Scotch)
Union Point - Banks
West Union Baptist Cemetery
Winona Cemetery
Zimmerman Family Cemetery

If you have not yet discovered the Web site "", I highly recommend it. The site has over 46 million cemetery records that can be searched in a variety of ways. You DO NOT need to know the county or state where a person was buried, but it helps refine your search. The site has almost all of the Washington County records in my database, and probably some I don't have.

Click here for the location of these and other Washington County cemeteries.